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Dhat’s the truth about Rip-Off Report® Founder Ed Magedson?

Consider this quote which first appeared online in 2004:

Ed Magedson of is a WANTED criminal that extorts individuals that have posted on and legitimate companies for money and he may be operating one of the biggest criminal enterprises ever created on the Internet….

The author of these words clearly has a strong negative opinion about Ed Magedson. No question there.

But what about the facts? Are they true? Is Ed Magedson really a “WANTED criminal”? Is the Ripoff Report a “criminal enterprise” engaged in extortion? What’s the REAL truth behind these allegations?

With so much written about Ed Magedson, the founder of the original consumer complaint website, it can be hard to separate the facts from the fiction. Most people call him a hero, while others say he’s a criminal. Obviously, someone is lying. So what’s the real story? Who is telling the truth?

Ripoff Report Team Members created this site to help answer that question. Our goal is to help bring the truth to YOU, the educated consumer. We know that some people will never agree with ED Magedson and his mission to give a voice to the consumer. We understand that. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but as the saying goes, “you are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts.”

If you’re looking for facts about Ed Magedson, you’ve come to the right place. On this site you will find information about Ed’s views, facts about his background, and details of his history as a tireless consumer advocate. We will also confront and expose many of the popular myths about Ed and the Ripoff Report®.

Our goal is NOT to change your opinion about Ed or his work. Instead, we’re here to give you the facts so you can decide for yourself who’s telling the truth and who is not. We hope this helps to set the record straight and to present the real truth that Ed’s critics have worked so hard to conceal.

It should also be known to readers, that this website was hacked a number of times, losing thousands of comments from those for and against ED Magedson. This site was fixed more than two dozen times over the years. The site Ripoff Report was also hacked about 6 times so far. Some were caught and now in prison.

“This blog is about issues that are important to ME and that I want to share with my friends, colleagues and the public. If you want to comment on the issue at hand, please do. Please keep in mind that THIS IS NOT THE PLACE to bring up specific reports. If you have a specific issue please email”

Who is Ed Magedson?

Arizona Day Labor And Tenant Rights Free Assistance

Since 1993, ED Magedson has assisted Spanish immigrant families that have been taken advantage of by local businesses and landlords who provide substandard housing. ED has to embarrass and harass local city governments to take action.

Ed Magedson New York State Attorney General Consumer Potection Board Tha

The business works the day-labor workers all week long and then they don’t pay them, they threaten them with deportation. Day Labor workers are also taken advantage of by landlords that get away without fixing the homes they rent. Unless someone bitches to the city, nothing will ever get fixed. ED goes after the businesses that don’t pay and the unscrupulous landlords. ED is responsible for getting dozens of businesses arrested for theft of services, hundreds of workers got paid and ED got landlords to fix roof leaks, electrical and many other dangerous repairs and some were fined by the city. See the flyer that is passed out to help day labor workers.

ED exposes Arizona farmers that mistreat their immigrant workers

Jose says he has been sick for a while now. He has no money to go to the doctor. He says he is not sure what he makes, ..but he thinks it may be about $50.00 a week. He gets paid by the job and works from sunrise to sundown. But Jose has nothing bad to say about his employer. Like the Black slaves in the South who were loyal to their master. While this story is old, nothing has changed and will never change anytime soon.

ED Magedson early activism, helping hundreds of residents to put a stop to landlord abuse.

New York State over the years refers first to Ripoff Report to help consumers.

ED Magedson says, it’s no longer just buyer beware, its more so seller beware…

ED Magedson says, it’s no longer just buyer beware, its more so seller beware…

BBB: What consumers need to know

Ripoff Report:

Don’t Let Them Get Away With It!